Symbol Weight
Index Name
Start Date

Indexing vs Portfolios vs ETFs

Anyone who's worked in the indexing or ETF space knows that ETF's are not so simple; in reality, this is an indexing platform. What you make is an index that tracks an equity basket. I wanted to help democratize this space, especially with the amount of gatekeeping in quantitative finance. Currently, we support ACTIVELY LISTED symbols across the NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX universe of tickers, provided by the SEC.

When calculating as an index, the weights are consistent across every day. That is, the index is rebalanced daily to account for changes in weights as a result of price action (a stock plummets to $0.01 will now be a significantly smaller portion of the portfolio)

When calculating as a portfolio, that's creating a "What if I bought _____, and held it?" scenario. In this form, no rebalancing is done, regardless of price action. The weights you set are the initial ratios, and no changes/"trades" will be done past the start date

Index Methodology

Hi, I'm Neal Patel, and I made this website

And it's open source! I'm an NYC based Quant/SWE looking for my next role If you like this website, or just want to talk stand-up, pokemon, or Chinese Yo-Yo please hit me up on LinkedIn or e-mail! Here's how this website works; note the weights don't have to add up to 100%! They can be dollar amount, or any weight you desire

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